Why don't birds need to wear a jacket during the winter?

Why don't birds need to wear a jacket during winter?

Birds are unmatched in their command of the skies. Albatrosses glide through the open airs for long distances, while the minute humming bird dances and hovers motionless in front of flowers. The great Eagles missile down from the vast high skies with pinpoint accuracy to scoop its prey, while the penguins and kiwis who lost their ability to fly learned to adapt to the land and exploit its conditions.

Birds are feathery, egg laying, vertebrate, endothermic species. They have been able to survive and thrive successively throughout most of the ecological niches, throughout most of the climatic and weather conditions.

Birds  have a remarkable ability to survive in extremely cold conditions despite being endothermic, relatively small, and fragile. This ability is due to its various physical and behavioral adaptations.

For instance birds have a higher rate of metabolism and produce a relatively higher internal temperature. While their possession of feathers and their ability to fluff up may also aid in the process of insulation. Some birds are able to grow extra feathers which understandably act as a covering and protect them from the cold.
Some birds develop scales in their feet and legs which minimize heat loss.

An interesting feature of birds is the ability to lower there body temperatures, heart rate and general bodily functions. Birds can also control the temperature of their legs and feet separately from their bodies by constricting blood flow to their extremities, thereby reducing heat loss even further.

Birds, just like humans will shiver to raise their metabolic rate and generate body heat as a short term solution to extreme cold.

Many small birds, will gather in large flocks at night and crowd together in a small, tight space to share body heat. They can roost in shrubbery or trees, and empty birdhouses and bird roost boxes are also popular locations to conserve heat. Even individual birds choose roost spots that may have residual heat from the day’s sunlight, such as close to the trunk of a tree or near any dark surface.

Birds are remarkable in their ability to survive the coldest and chilliest conditions thanks to the number of effective adaptations they posses, and birds will continue to triumph the great skies and challenging climatic changes.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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