The Brown Huntsman Spider

These spiders are pretty familiar fellows in Sri Lankan homes. I was terrified every time I saw this beast when I was small. I could remember that the only thing in mind when I used to see these arachnids was to kill them and get rid of them.
A few years later I started becoming curious about this spider and I started searching for articles about it, But I never quite found anything that would resemble them. And finally I found some information about this wonderful species.
This is called a "Brown Huntsman Spider" or aka "Cane spider". Scientific name is Heteropoda venatoria. These guys can become pretty large and can run really fast. The width of the spider could sometimes reach a leg span of about 13inches. They do not spin webs instead they lie still on the vertical surfaces and they rush forward at their pray when they come into closer range.
They are nocturnal.
Even though they have a very fearsome look they are easily alarmed by human presence and flee the area ASAP.



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.